Sciatica Treatment Austin, TX

Our Austin sciatica doctors specialize in relieving your pain! If you're dealing with agonizing back pain, leg pain, odd sensations in your foot or balance problems when standing or walking, you're probably looking for ways to remove yourself from the sciatica statistics. We focus on the underlying cause of your pain and relieving it through various natural, nonsurgical sciatica treatments in Austin, TX.  

patient in Austin looking for sciatica treatment near me

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is an astonishingly common problem, afflicting one out of every 10 people between the ages of 25 and 45 -- but there's nothing commonplace about the annoying or even disabling symptoms you experience when the sciatic nerve is impinged. 

When we use the term "sciatica," we're not actually referring to a disease or a medical condition; we're taking about a syndrome, a recognized set of symptoms associated with an underlying dysfunction. In this case, the dysfunction involves the pinching of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica treatment in Austin will vary according to your needs.

This massive nerve (the largest one in the entire body) feeds motor and sensory signals to all the nerves that branch out from it throughout the buttock, leg and foot. Just as pinching off the water in a garden hose near the faucet affects the flow of water all the way down the hose, pinching the nerve roots that attach the sciatic nerve to the spinal cord can disrupt nerve signaling to any part of these structures. Symptoms include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pain running down the leg
  • Muscle weakness that impair leg or foot control
  • Tingling or "funny bone" sensations
  • Numbness

We have all the answers about sciatica! Why would sciatic nerve roots be pinched? While an acute subluxation caused by an accident or other trauma can certainly push spinal structures onto the nerve roots, degenerative disc disease can also cause bulging and/or herniated discs to press against the nerve tissue. A chronic spinal misalignment may also encourage sciatica to develop. The condition may come and go in bouts, but it will recur until you get it treated.

Our walk in chiropractor, Dr. Shawn McHone, can relieve your symptoms can help you avoid recurring bouts of sciatica. 

Natural Sciatica Treatments In Austin: Therapies & Techniques

Our Austin TX chiropractor can take the pressure off of your sciatic nerve without major surgery or other invasive techniques. Correcting spinal alignment can play a major role in relieving the musculoskeletal imbalances that cause sciatica. One sciatica treatment in our Austin office involves the Thompson Terminal Point technique to locate the exact point of imbalance, facilitating precise adjustments to that spinal segment.

Cox Flexion-Distraction is especially effective for sciatic nerve impingement produced by bulging or herniated discs. The careful application of flexion-distraction force to the spine increases the spaces between the vertebrae, with vacuum pressure pulling the disc away from the sciatic nerve roots.

Chiropractic Treatment in Austin for Sciatica To Stop Your Pain

Once we know what the problem is, our Austin chiropractic staff can address the root cause of the pain. At our clinic, we offer pain relief through natural treatment solutions. We provide a personalized treatment plan based on the cause of the discomfort and the specific situation. 

Our chiropractor may use a spinal alignment to correct your sciatica. A spinal alignment consists of our chiropractor manually realigning the spine. It has the potential to take pressure off of the sciatic nerve. 

We might also use spinal decompression to treat your sciatica. Spinal decompression consists of our chiropractor using a motorized traction device to slowly stretch the spine. You will be positioned on the table while the device gently pulls on your spine in order to relieve pressure in between the discs in the spine. It also helps to alleviate any pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve from a herniated disc. 

Dr. McHone has trained extensively in several different spinal diagnosis and adjustment techniques, such as the Thompson Terminal Point Technique and the Cox Flexion-Distraction Technique. If the problem is a bulging or herniated disc, we work to realign the spine and relieve the discs so that they heal and return to normal shape, which will relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. If the problem is caused by muscle spasms, we can use soft tissue manipulation techniques and therapeutic exercises and stretches to relax the muscle and reduce inflammation. No matter what the cause of sciatic pain, our goal is to help our patients get back to pain-free living as quickly as possible. 

Contact Our Austin Sciatica Doctors Near You For Treatment!

If you are looking for a chiropractor near me to help relieve your sciatic nerve pain, call us today! In addition to treating your sciatica symptoms, our Austin TX chiropractor can prescribe a personalized wellness and physical rehabilitation program to help you strengthen your back and maintain a straighter alignment, thus warding off future attacks of sciatic nerve impingement and pain. Call (512) 451-0115 to learn how you can say no to sciatica for good!

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8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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