Contact Us Today | Austin Chiropractic & Rehab

Austin Chiropractic & Rehab

5775 Airport Blvd #300
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: (512) 451-0115
Fax: (512) 451-1208

Office Hours:

Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm | 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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How To Contact Us Or Schedule An Appointment

At Austin Chiropractic & Rehab, we believe that there is a better and safer way back to health. If you would like to contact us or request an appointment, we offer several ways to do so. 

By Phone: If you'd like to schedule an appointment now over the phone or for more information, please call us at (512) 451-0115.

Complete Form Below: For questions or comments, please fill out the form below to get a call back from one of our friendly staff members within 1-2 business days. If you have questions, we're happy to answer them for you! 

New Patient Form

Treatment: Our Approach To Chiropractic

We might recommend numerous forms of treatment to go along with Austin chiropractic adjustments, such as corrective exercises, nutritional counseling and lifestyle advice. 

Dr. McHone and our chiropractic team utilizes non-invasive chiropractic techniques. Our team provides comprehensive and custom care to each of our patients.  If you are struggling to manage chronic pain or heal an injury, it's natural to get frustrated with traditional medical care. Prescription medication only provides temporary relief, and invasive surgeries often create additional problems and risks.  Our chiropractor is personally committed to diagnosing the problem, implementing corrective treatment and restoring functionality and mobility. 

What Should I, as a Patient, Expect with a Rehab Program?

Rehabilitation chiropractors focus on active and goal-oriented care.  Dr. McHone will use your self-determined goals through an individualized treatment plan. You will be taught proper movement patterns, postures and ergonomics, and injury prevention strategies to accelerate your healing process. Dr. McHone will create an individualized treatment plan to help you reach your lifestyle goals.  Treatment often includes:

  • Balance Exercises
  • Stretching and stability exercises
  • Exercises to increase endurance and strength
  • Pain reduction and elimination  

Our rehab chiropractic team can save you time and money by eliminating the need for multiple providers for the same service. This is especially important in the environment of ever-increasing deductibles and co-payments. 

Each phase of rehab can be enhanced through proper nutritional recommendations:

  • Phase I Rehab: Acute Inflammatory Phase, which occurs 24-72 hours post injury.  During Phase I, the patient exhibits symptoms including pain, redness, inflammation and swelling. The body releases biochemicals including bradykinins histamines and prostaglandins which provide for the initial inflammatory reaction following an injury.  During this phase our rehab doctor will recommend nutrients that will reduce some of the side effects of inflammation. These recommendations could include avoiding sugars, high carbs, glutens and grains. In addition, our chiropractor near you may prescribe anti-inflammatory nutrients that include Vitamin C, SPM Active, Vitamin D in combination with proteolytic enzymes including bromelain, pancreatin and papain.
  • Phase II Rehab: Repair or Regenerative Phase of care and occurs 24 hours to 6 weeks post injury. Nutrients during this phase support the production and deposition of collagen.  Nutritional recommendations during this phase includes: Vitamin C, Multivitamin, SPM Active, Vitamin D, Magnesium
  • Phase III rehab is known as the Remodeling Phase and occurs from 3 weeks to 12 months post injury. Recommendations during this phase include: Vitamin C, Green leafy vegetables, Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, SPM Active

Peripheral Neuropathy is a disorder involving the nerves in either the upper or lower extremities. Common upper extremity peripheral neuropathies include carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel syndrome, Guyons canal syndrome, pisiform-hamate syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome, anterior interosseous syndrome, Pronator syndrome, hand-cuff neuropathy and thoracic outlet syndrome.

Once a proper diagnosis is made, our Rehab chiropractor will use specific techniques including mobilization, manipulation, and activator techniques combined with Isometrics and isotonic/isokinetic muscle retraining exercises. 

Dr. McHone frequently recommends SPM Active, a multi-vitamin and EZ Flex. Adjunctive Procedures may include:

  • Laser therapy
  • Percussive Therapy
  • Myofascial release
  • Interferential
  • Heat/ice

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain 

A misalignment of the musculoskeletal system is an underlying cause for many types of body pain. An auto accident injury like whiplash, a pinched nerve or natural wear and tear on the body can lead to misalignments in the spine. 

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring alignment to the musculoskeletal system for natural relief through advanced techniques. Whether you suffer from foot plantar fasciitis or shoulder with a herniated disc, we can help you find true relief with less treatment.

Safe, Non-Surgical Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

At Austin Chiropractic and Rehab, our chiropractic care is a non-surgical approach to pain relief that does not have these risks. Whether you have lower back pain or an injury to another joint, you might deal with ongoing pain that does not improve with medication or another form of conventional treatment. Although some doctors recommend surgery for pain that does not ease up, this comes with potentially serious risks and no guarantee that the procedure will be successful.

Instead, at Austin Chiropractic and Rehab, our chiropractor near you can enjoy relief from your symptoms while also lowering your risk of having persistent pain or pain that comes back. These treatments do not put you at risk of developing other health problems or serious complications. 

Call Austin Chiropractic & Rehab For An Appointment!

Dr. Shawn McHone will help you get out of pain with fast, gentle and effective relief.  Precise chiropractic manipulation with your own specific rehabilitation program assures you of optimal results.  

Dr. McHone takes pride in providing quality care to all of his patients.. He has developed a unique system to combine spinal adjustments with advanced rehabilitation techniques for thousands of people.  Call our office at (512) 451-0115 and learn how to improve your posture and relieve your pain.

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8:00 am - 12:30 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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8:00 am - 12:30 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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